CCM January 9, 2020 Part 1: The emerging role and importance of Audit Analytics: Practical applications and implications for auditorsAny financial audit is, at heart, the independent testing of a series of related financial… Gavin Steinberg Love0
CCM December 6, 2019 7 Ways Financial Assurance Processes & Controls failCreating a risk management strategy is a must for any financial business. However, executing this… Gavin Steinberg Love0
CCM October 9, 2019 Internal audit and risk management are members of the same familyInternal audit and risk management are members of the same family. They share similar DNA. … Gavin Steinberg Love0
CCM October 3, 2019 Preventing Payroll Errors: Why do organisations even need continuous control monitoringThere has been a growing number of reported high-profile cases of payroll errors lately in… Gavin Steinberg Love0
CCM October 2, 2019 Part 2: Identifying Duplicates EffectivelyGiven that cleansing the data can be a multi-faceted approach involving different methods, I thought… David Coderre Love0
CCM September 25, 2019 Part 1: Identifying Duplicates EffectivelyThe concept of identifying duplicates is fairly simple: do two records have the same values? … David Coderre Love0
CCM September 17, 2019 Shine a spotlight – Bad behaviour can’t flourish under a spotlightDirectors and management depend on strong controls to guide their businesses and provide them with… Gavin Steinberg Love0